Hacked e-mail nonsense

Sup everyone. Sorry for the delay in adding another article but life caught up with me and have not really had too much time to line up something to write about until this morning when i received this wonderful email. Here it is for all of you to read (we will dissect it after): H​el​lo​, … Read More

AWS MFA cli script

sup everyone. Been working and managing things so have not had too much time to do a post. Recently though i started having to do a bunch of tasks involving AWS from the CLI and would constantly get irritated at having to copy / paste all the things for the mfa to work so instead … Read More

ssh tunneling with .{bash,zsh}rc functions

So lately i have needed to setup some detailed entries into my ssh config file but i needed to ssh in and keep a term open for them to work. Instead, i added these functions that when your ssh config is properly setup will auto create these tunnels for you: start_tunnel: function start_tunnel() { if … Read More

ssh master just for the ports

Hey all decided to write about something that i use way more often than i care about and have shown others on how to do. sample from my ssh config: Host foo Hostname ADDRESS1 LocalForward 5432 ADDRESS2:5432 LocalForward 7777 ADDRESS3:8080 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key.pem User poa now lets say i do not want to open an ssh … Read More

Do recruiters dream of electric replies ?

Hey all, sorry for the hiatus. work and life has been taking time but i am back and will have more updates soon. Today’s weirdness comes in the form of a recruiter that to my knowledge is trying to position himself as the master of multiple domins…. or they were just blasting a list of … Read More

So my linux install is broken….. what to try first

Hey all. Have not written anything in a while and needed to write some stuff about chrooting back into a borked install. For this article, lets assume that you will be booting from a live distro of some sort and that you need to chroot in to test and fix. First, lets boot from the … Read More


Sup all just wanted to post a screenshot from my pi-hole setup. Just discovered this a couple of days ago while looking for a temporary setup to block ads network wide. Installed on an RPI 1 running raspbian Click image to enlarge Check out pi-hole for a cool tool for helping the eradication of ads.

Using android tablets as external monitors in linux

EDIT 2017-09-07 : created a script here that will do this autmogaically for you. Read on for full write up of how to do this. Sup all just as the name implies this article is a howto on using android tablets as external monitors. at the time of writing, here are my specs / what … Read More

enable / disable xscreensaver with an insert / remove of a yubikey

Sup all, as the title states, this article will go over how to automatically enable / disable xscreensaver on the insertion / removal of your yubikey. only caveat is that it will not lock the screen. this article assumes that your xscreensaver session will lock the screen after x amount of minutes (preferably < 5 ... Read More

Local linux login with yubikey u2f & google authenticator 2fa

Sup all, I have written separate articles about this before but decided to put this all together into one article cause why not. The purpose of this article is to have google 2fa & yubikey u2f at the login prompt (assuming you do not have a login manager (i don’t)). This article is gentoo heavy. … Read More