Traefik, pihole, DoH, and some heavy handedness……..

[EDIT] This was recovered due to a massive db crash and losing a couple of years worth of articles. Dates are mismatching. [EDIT] Hey all.. Lately i have converted my Docker Swarm setup to use Traefik as a proxy due to some complex configurations i wanted to test and implement. In this article i will … Read More

Gentoo, ALSA, On-board sound card, and a USB DAC

Hey all So recently i bought an amp that could also be used as a dac. This article assumes you have ALSA, a working sound card, and another device (USB DAC, etc) Here is what i did to get it to work with and included script to make life easier. First, i had to ensure … Read More

Plex, media management, and all the other fanciness

Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates in a while but life took over. This article is a combination of a bunch of mini texts i had on my system and after seeing more and more streaming services popping up it was time to combine the all and publish it. At some point i … Read More

xscreensaver, mpv, and drone videos

Sup all. So for a while i’ve had a folder with drone videos that i wanted to use as screensavers. So after a little digging in some xscreensaver and mpv settings i came up with this : mpv \ –shuffle \ –really-quiet \ –no-audio \ –fs \ –no-stop-screensaver \ –wid=$XSCREENSAVER_WINDOW \ $HOME/ss_videos/* as you can … Read More

AWS MFA cli script

sup everyone. Been working and managing things so have not had too much time to do a post. Recently though i started having to do a bunch of tasks involving AWS from the CLI and would constantly get irritated at having to copy / paste all the things for the mfa to work so instead … Read More

ssh tunneling with .{bash,zsh}rc functions

So lately i have needed to setup some detailed entries into my ssh config file but i needed to ssh in and keep a term open for them to work. Instead, i added these functions that when your ssh config is properly setup will auto create these tunnels for you: start_tunnel: function start_tunnel() { if … Read More

ssh master just for the ports

Hey all decided to write about something that i use way more often than i care about and have shown others on how to do. sample from my ssh config: Host foo Hostname ADDRESS1 LocalForward 5432 ADDRESS2:5432 LocalForward 7777 ADDRESS3:8080 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key.pem User poa now lets say i do not want to open an ssh … Read More

Do recruiters dream of electric replies ?

Hey all, sorry for the hiatus. work and life has been taking time but i am back and will have more updates soon. Today’s weirdness comes in the form of a recruiter that to my knowledge is trying to position himself as the master of multiple domins…. or they were just blasting a list of … Read More

enable / disable xscreensaver with an insert / remove of a yubikey

Sup all, as the title states, this article will go over how to automatically enable / disable xscreensaver on the insertion / removal of your yubikey. only caveat is that it will not lock the screen. this article assumes that your xscreensaver session will lock the screen after x amount of minutes (preferably < 5 ... Read More