Pesky Touchpad

Hey all, So i tend to mostly work off of laptops and lately i have been using a USB mouse but in doing so the touchpad was still enabled and if i moved the wrong way it would click so i decided to write this little script that when set in alias in either the … Read More

Learning morse code from a shell script

[EDIT] This was recovered due to a massive db crash and losing a couple of years worth of articles. Dates are mismatching. [EDIT] Hey all, As i am learning to understand morse i decided to write a shell script that would help you learn also. Why in shell script ? why not. Here is the … Read More

AWS MFA cli script

sup everyone. Been working and managing things so have not had too much time to do a post. Recently though i started having to do a bunch of tasks involving AWS from the CLI and would constantly get irritated at having to copy / paste all the things for the mfa to work so instead … Read More

ssh tunneling with .{bash,zsh}rc functions

So lately i have needed to setup some detailed entries into my ssh config file but i needed to ssh in and keep a term open for them to work. Instead, i added these functions that when your ssh config is properly setup will auto create these tunnels for you: start_tunnel: function start_tunnel() { if … Read More

enable / disable xscreensaver with an insert / remove of a yubikey

Sup all, as the title states, this article will go over how to automatically enable / disable xscreensaver on the insertion / removal of your yubikey. only caveat is that it will not lock the screen. this article assumes that your xscreensaver session will lock the screen after x amount of minutes (preferably < 5 ... Read More

irc bashbot

sup all, happy holidays and all that good stuff. so lately i have been working on an irc bot written only in bash. i know, sounds like a fucking nightmare and it would have been easier in python but this is fun and it works. you can grab it here i will write an article … Read More

Command line bar graph

sup i decided to write this command line bar graph (with portions taken from here) that shows graphs based on the amount of files and extensions in a dir (recursive or non-recursive). need came about due to not wanting to grep, sort and uniq certain folders at the time for what i was doing. here … Read More

tmux run command on idle

Sup all so i finally decided to have a command run every time my terminal goes idle. after some searching, here is what i have come up with: lock-after-time && lock-command from the man pages: lock-after-time number Lock the session (like the lock-session command) after number seconds of inactivity. The default is not to lock … Read More

multiboot selection rewrite

Whats up all, Its been a while since i have posted but whatever. Lately i have started to rewrite a chunk of the multiboot creator script located here. One of the main things that i have rewritten is the OS selection section. Here is what i wrote months ago. As you can see, it is … Read More

motd script

so after surfing around and stumbling across this site and realizing that i have a boring motd screen, i decided to convert (mostly) what they did at mewbies over to bash. its here here is a screen shot: click to enlarge