new phone screen shot

new phone == screen shots i just recently upgraded my nexus s for a galaxy s3. first thing to do was root the phone, then install cyanogenmod 10 nightly , then upgrade the radio. here is the screenshot: click to enlarge i am liking this phone so far. all good.

script to control pianobar from any local terminal

i sit in multiple terminal sessions all day on my personal and work machine with my headphones on listening to pianobar (cli client for pandora : get it here or in gentoo emerge pianobar) and i realized that it was becoming a pain to send controls to the pipe for pianobar. so i wrote a … Read More

script to sync folder to s3 using cron and s3cmd

so on the command line, i have been looking for a brain dead simple way of syncing my photographs to s3 every x amount of hours. i wrote a small script to handle that and can be placed in cron to automatically copy new folders to s3. i am working on making this script also … Read More

shell script to output bandwidth rx/tx & packet rx/tx values to graphite

so this script uses bwm-ng (gentoo : gentoo: emerge bwm-ng, or and netcat. pretty straight forward : #!/bin/bash ####### # this script uses bwm-ng to gather the bandwidth rx/tx and packet rx/tx on specified interfaces # it only sends numeric values # # to run this script : # nohup sh ~/scripts/ & >/dev/null … Read More

muttrc with encrypted passwords

so after some more work trying to ensure that my passwords are not easily gotten, i managed to get my passwords encrypted into one file and removed after being read. here is the snippet from my .muttrc-accounts : set my_tmp=`gpg -q –no-verbose -o /tmp/.passwords.tmp -d ~/.passwords.gpg` set my_pass_acct1=`cat /tmp/.passwords.tmp | grep IDENTIFIER1 | awk ‘{ … Read More

another nexus s screenshot

ok. i lied about the last screenshot being the last one with this phone. i just have not gotten around to grabbing a new phone yet and this one works fine (for now). in this screenshot, the nexus s (crespo) is running android 4.1.1 (cyanogenmod skank nightly) with a custom kernel (jbn weekly). recovery was … Read More

shell script to output citrusleafdb namespace values to graphite

exactly as the name says. if you are a citrusleaf user, here is an easy (and hacky) way to output your namespace values to graphite with a nohup script every 10 seconds in github or here: #!/bin/bash ####### # this script runs through clinfo and grabs all the values for citrusleaf, then parses them out … Read More

my zshrc

so after many years of using sh & bash i have decided to give zsh a try and after using it for a couple of weeks i cant go back. so here is my zshrc @ github for people to use. in detail (at time of writing this was my current zshrc): #### interactive shell … Read More

more bootchart fun

so after doing some more tuning i realized that i hit a weird mark. i cant seem to get bootchart2 to stop at slim. what that means is that the bootchart-collector will always show a time of 25.65 seconds even though i was already logging in by the 21st second. so here is the new … Read More