response time script

after having to work with apache bench and gnuplot to put my numbers together and some furious searching, i decided to put together a script that eases ab & gnuplot a bit. that script is located here. it will give you graphs like this : Click to enlarge good stuffs.

samsung s4 gt-i9500

so i recently got my hands on the samsung s4 gt-i9500 (exynos octa) and i must say… it is fucking annoying. not that the phone itself is bad or that i hate samsung, on the contrary i love samsung phones. its the fact that this phone never hit a mass audience that is annoying, which … Read More

bigghost name generator script

so i read Big Ghost’s site semi frequently since the reviews are actually pretty funny. One thing i noticed is that who ever does the writing can come up with these names that are hilarious. so i decided to write a quick script using some of the names from that site to pseudo-randomly generate names. … Read More

simple system stats script for graphite

so i wrote a little script for dumping some stats to a graphite server. script is located here. all you have to do to get this working: ensure nc is installed ensure vmstat is installed change gserver and gport to matching graphite server and port and cron this to run every minute or so. it … Read More

adding cron’s to crontab from a script

so i needed to add things to a couple of boxes without completely killing off the existing crontab from a script. i came up with this: TMP_FILE=$(mktemp –tmpdir cron.$$.XXXXXXXXXX) crontab -l > ${TMP_FILE} echo ‘# * * * * * script’ >> ${TMP_FILE} crontab ${TMP_FILE} rm -rf ${TMP_FILE} it will take a copy of the … Read More

multiple window managers in primary window manager

so for my day to day usage, i run as minimalistic a window manager as possible (evilwm or in gentoo : x11-wm/evilwm), but every now and then i have to debug or test things in other wm’s which is a pain in the ass depending on what login manager you are using or just depending … Read More

teensy 3.0 & android pin brute forcing

so after picking up a usb rubber ducky from HAK5 at defcon, i wanted to see if i could replicate a pin brute force tool using a teensy for android phones. i love the usb rubber ducky, but i figure if i have arduino’s to spare, why not use them ? here is what i … Read More

ssh fingerprint verification

this article assumes that you have recently become paranoid accessing a server and are assuming that someone has sent you an erroneous / malicious key for MITM or some other weird purpose. this article also assumes that you have access to the other box already to do key verification. so you go to ssh into … Read More