knife, rackspace, & fog

so after some initial struggling with the wonderful fog and specific versions of it to get chef rackspace tools working properly, i hit another bit of weirdness: % knife rackspace server create -f6 -I -r ‘role[base]’ -E <env> -S -N -VV –rackspace-version v2 DEBUG: version v2 DEBUG: version v2 DEBUG: rackspace_api_key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEBUG: rackspace_username DEBUG: … Read More

postfix in gentoo using gmail as relay without certs

As the title implies, this article is a bit gentoo centric, but that is only for packages and USE flags. It can be applied to other distros if you can grab the appropriate packages (pretty straight forward). This article is also not using certs, i will write another article to deal with that at a … Read More

weirdness with hipchat

so for work we use hipchat which is pretty cool for what we use it for, but i discovered a little issue when copy/pasting configs in there to send to coworkers; it adds extra bytes to the file. example: this is what was originally passed through the wire : 2013-02-19 22:19:25,144 INFO    [config] Logging … Read More

mutt with sidebar

so i was trying to install the patched version of mutt with sidebar from source on my gentoo box when i realized that there is a use flage (sidebar) which will do all the work for me. eix mutt: [I] mail-client/mutt Available versions: 1.5.21-r1 (~)1.5.21-r11 (~)1.5.21-r12 {berkdb crypt debug doc gdbm gnutls gpg idn imap … Read More

vagrant & veewee in gentoo part one

This article is part one for installing vagrant & veewee (using virtualbox) on a gentoo workstation. What makes this cool, is that now you can build a vm through vagrant for remote (headless) usage in an ssh session, and it allows you to create a build of a stock machine quickly once you have an … Read More

md5sum & sha1sum from zshrc

i just added this quick little function just to give me a quick output when attaching to emails: function checksum() { printf “FILE: `echo ${1}`\n” ; printf “SIZE: `ls -al ${1} | awk ‘{ print $5 }’` bytes\n” ; printf “MD5 : `md5sum ${1} | awk ‘{ print $1 }’ | tr ‘[:lower:]’ ‘[:upper:]’`\n” ; … Read More

vim arduino syntax

this is a quick one. after realizing that my ino files did not have proper syntax in vim, i did some googling and found this. but it needed a little more to make it work with my setup. so i added: autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost *.ino,*.pde set filetype=arduino into ~/.vim/ftdetect/arduino.vim — this vim file is not the … Read More

high availability with keepalived for Mysql

so i needed to setup 2 mysql servers in a HA setup on CentOS 6, i decided to use keepalived (yum search keepalive). here were the requirements: – 1 virtual ip – both servers had to still replicate from each other but only one can take traffic from the vip – quick failover incase machine … Read More

this happened

SSMI/SSMIS/TMI-derived Total Precipitable Water – North Atlantic from :

console-kit-daemon shenanigans

so for a long time i was wondering what console-kit-daemon was and why were there so many of them running on my machine. example: ono-sendai ~ % ps -eLf | grep console-kit | grep -v grep root 1981 1 1981 0 65 Oct15 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon root 1981 1 1983 0 65 Oct15 ? 00:00:00 … Read More