SGI Fuel images

here are a couple of pictures of the sgi fuel. the images are not all that great but i dont really care. *** pictures are of the actual unit and are huge for detail *** front rear label ram / air vent i might post more.

new machine – sgi fuel

here is a new machine added to the home farm: SGI Fuel specs: $ hinv -m IP34 Board: barcode MMN903 part 030-1707-003 rev -H IP34PIMM Board: barcode NCH850 part 030-1730-002 rev -E ASTODYV10 Board: barcode NSR614 part 030-1826-003 rev -A 1 600 MHZ IP35 Processor CPU: MIPS R14000 Processor Chip Revision: 2.4 FPU: MIPS R14010 … Read More

changing your cpan mirror

easiest way ive used (keep in mind i use cpan every once in a while) : # perl -MCPAN -e shell cpan> o conf init again, im not a cpan guru or master.

stupid but semi useful script

so i was doing some misc work on one of my machines the other day and as i was working i kept having this service restarting even though i kind of needed it on but at the time i needed it off. so i wrote this stupid little find, message and kill script to cron … Read More

easy ubuntu nfs sharing

this is a very quick walk through on setting up ubuntu (tested with Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS \n \l as a straight forward nfs share on sparc platform (even though its identical on x86). this entry assumes you want to share with everyone on your network. update your apt-get first sudo apt-get update install nfs-common, nfs-kernel-server … Read More

simple rsync script

i wrote this little quick script to backup my script folder from all my workstations and keep them in one repository (i know that there are better and probably easier ways of doing this). edit 26-apr-2008 changed some checks in script #!/bin/bash # # rsync script for backups # script assumes that you have all … Read More

too many disks ??

lgarion@uranus $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3 72G 23G 46G 33% / udev 10M 208K 9.8M 3% /dev /dev/sda1 99M 5.3M 89M 6% /boot none 1007M 0 1007M 0% /dev/shm pluto:/mnt/disk1/All 909G 474G 390G 55% /media/pluto mars:/media/share 184G 93M 174G 1% /media/mars mercury:/mnt/sdb1 68G 182M 64G 1% /media/mercury mercury:/var/www 67G … Read More

gentoo + thinkpad x61 = difficult wifi

easy kernel hacks to make the intel 4965AGN work: kernel selections: Networking Wireless * Improved wireless configuration API [*] nl80211 new netlink interface support * Wireless extensions <*> Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (mac80211) Device Drivers [*] Network device support Wireless LAN Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11) [*] Intel Wireless WiFi Link Drivers [*] Enable full … Read More

quick & dirty mysql replication

***** i am not a mysql admin, this info was picked up with info from all over the internet. ***** master: ## hop on the master server on our master server, we are going to add our replicant user (slave): mysql> grant replication slave on *.* to ‘slave’@’%’ identified by ‘password’; ## remember to set … Read More