wrt300n dd-wrt info

motd: DD-WRT v24 mini (c) 2007 NewMedia-NET GmbH Release: 08/15/07 (SVN revision: 7672) ========================================================== ____ ___ __ ______ _____ ____ _ _ | _ \| _ \ \ \ / / _ \_ _| __ _|___ \| || | || | || ||____\ \ /\ / /| |_) || | \ \ / / __) … Read More

Motorola M810 fun – pt 5

some info from board 1 (first MVME board from the top): $ sysctl hw hw.machine=mvme88k hw.model=Motorola MVME187, 33MHz hw.ncpu=1 hw.byteorder=4321 hw.pagesize=4096 hw.disknames=sd0 hw.diskcount=1 hw.physmem=33554432 hw.usermem=33550336 once i get the needed parts to get board 2 (second MVME board from the top) running i will start posting some info on that. reference this picture to know … Read More

isp love

this is why i love my home isp:

unslung happiness

while cleaning out the magical closet of ancient relics, i came across one that i had forgotten i even owned, a linksys nslu2 (nslug). so i powered it on and updated the firmware (fully unslung using a 2gb flash drive): here are some more specs from this little bad boy: cpu specs: $ cat /proc/cpuinfo … Read More

these boots are made for……

I figured some of you (especially Georgia) would get a kick out of this image: ….my old boots…. from left to right: newer docs 20 eyes gripfast 20 eyes 5 strap older docs 8 eyes

ssh redirection for DRAC

simple ssh technique to access those pesky dell DRAC addresses from home when its completely firewall’ed : sudo ssh -L 443:<drac ip>:443 -L 5900:<drac ip>:5900 -L 5901:<drac ip>:5901 -l <user> -N <machine> the reason this is being run with sudo is that you can not forward privileged ports once this command is run, just open … Read More

nagios qmail current log alert check

here is a real dirty way for counting and monitoring how many “alerts” are in qmails current log using bash: #!/bin/bash # this script requires Date::Parse module in CPAN TMP_TIME=/tmp/tmp_time TMP_FILE=/tmp/tmp_file TMP_FILE2=/tmp/tmp_file2 if [ -f ${TMP_FILE2} ]; then rm -f ${TMP_FILE2} && touch ${TMP_FILE2} fi # CURTIME is present time in epoch perl -MDate::Parse -le’print … Read More

why i hate life

there is nothing worse in life than deleting someone from your life because of your own stupidities: root@sol:~# userdel ssmith 🙁