television issues

so my television (samsung LN40A550P3FXZA) a couple of days ago decides to no longer turn on. its not that new nor is it that old either. so i decided to open it up to see if it was something notice-able since it was no longer under warranty. after a couple of minutes of searching i … Read More

dual monitor xinitrc configuration

just as the name says, this is a bit of my xinitrc file as used in a dual monitor evilwm setup. a little about my setup: Gentoo evilwm (emerge x11-wm/evilwm) SLiM Simple Login Manager (emerge x11-misc/slim) conky lightweight system monitor (emerge app-admin/conky) so when i first started using evilwm in a dual monitor setup i … Read More

say good bye to a good machine

for the two or three of you that read all this nonsense that i put up here, you will be pleased to know that the mvme has found a new home. after a long process of trying to find a better home for mr. mainframe, he is getting shipped to maryland for a better place … Read More

some more conky lovin’

here is my latest revision of conky (click to enlarge): with the latest .conkyrc file here. as you can see i added a port inbound/outbound monitor, portage sync status, gentoo linux security advisories and a cool looking date and time (as detailed here) here is the screenshot (click to enlarge): screenshot is running the conkyrc … Read More

Nexus one favorite sight

ono-sendai tools # ./adb logcat – waiting for device – ——— beginning of /dev/log/main I/cm ( 64): Welcome to Android 2.2 / CyanogenMod-6-07222010-NIGHTLY-N1 I/cm ( 65): _ I/cm ( 66): __ __ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ __)) I/cm ( 67): ((_ \(/'((_( ((\( ((_)((_( ((‘((\( ((`1( ((_)((_( … Read More

**** FIRE SALE ****

Here is the usual fire sale stuff but on Ebay now : Sun CPCI CP1500-360 w/ chassis and 4 port nic : CPCI Motorolla MVME : SOLD as of 09/03/2010 OQO Model 01+ : OQO Sun Blade 2000 – specs: Architecture : two 1.015 GHz UltraSPARC III Cu processors (64-bit) Cache per processor : 8 … Read More

random wallpaper with either feh or xv

EDIT: Sep-28-2010 : as of a while ago changed how their random images are served so this script no longer works. i’ll see if i can use a different site as pointed out in the comments. so after creating the evilwm random wallpaper script i decided that i wanted to use the fixed resolution … Read More

adhoc tomfoolery

so a couple of days ago i was trying to set up an adhoc connection on my laptop to my phone to tether an internet connection when i realized that it was all wonky. example: porta-sendai ~ # iwconfig wlan0 mode Ad-Hoc Error for wireless request “Set Mode” (8B06) : SET failed on device wlan0 … Read More

greatest instant messaging quotes ever.

microsoft keeps me from sleeping AND makes me throw up my food. now that’s something. forget backup though, or blackberry or PDA access without hacking the registry, and log entries are next to useless, so troubleshooting usually requires voodoo and bonecasting. thank you mf

moving pics into specific dated folders using exif

so i started taking pictures and realized that when i dumped all the pics off my cf card that it would just dump all the pics into one folder. so using exif (in gentoo “emerge media-gfx/exif”, from source: i came up with a quick snippet using exif to move the pictures to the proper … Read More