new toy

new toy: click to enlarge its a nook color with cyanogenmod nightly 03282011. these are the steps taken (loosely) that were taken to root: first we follow these steps. this is only to root the device which we have to do for the next step(s). then these steps are followed. these steps allow us to … Read More

new work set up – edit : 2/2/11

so the new keyboard and trackball came in: click to enlarge that is a Happy Hacking Professional 2 (Dark Gray) keyboard from elite keyboards and a CST L-TRACx CST2545-5XW-RC trackball from Fentek Industries. the nine ball was ordered from pool dawg. some keyboard goodness: click to enlarge the red key was also ordered from elite … Read More

tmux bashrc snippet

so on most of my machines i have mrxvt to be my primary term in evilwm. every time i do the term hotkey i want a new session of tmux to start up without attaching to a previous / existing session. here is what i added in my .bashrc to make this happen: tmux_count=`tmux ls … Read More

more cell phone madness

new screen shot from my nexus one : this is running: nazforex’s rom built from cyanogenmod sources (passion, android version 2.3.1 build GRH78) wildmonks kernel from 12/17/2010 radio 5_12_00_08 you can google that stuff or find it via xda

new prompt (with screenshot)

so i was getting tired of the prompt i have / had and wanted a prompt that would give me more info. since i already had tmux giving me a decent amount of info i wanted to see if i could get my prompt to color code the load and give me the pwd. after … Read More

greatest instant messaging quotes ever pt 2

as quoted again by mf: mf: failover? me: cable mf: put a load balancer on that thing with an access point and peer with your phone’s wifi as backup link me: lol mf: that’s something we would do here, except we would make the load balancer out of a palm3 with screwdrivers for antennae and … Read More

cell phone madness

great screenshot from my nexus one: this is running: cyanogenmod nightly 240 (passion) wildmonks kernel from 11/07/2010 radio FRG83 5_12_00_08 you can google that stuff or find it via xda

shell script password snippet

i was writing a script and needed to hide input for a password. here is the snippet: echo -n “please enter password and press [enter]: ” STTY_ORIG=`stty -g` stty -icanon -echo KEY=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null) while [ x$KEY != x$(echo) ]; do PASSWORD=$PASSWORD$KEY echo -n \* KEY=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null) done echo stty $STTY_ORIG # … Read More

thinkpad t61 with gentoo & tuxonice 2.6.36

so recently i realized that i needed suspend-to-disk and suspend-to-ram on my laptop. after much research i realized that i should use the tuxonice gentoo kernels (sys-kernel/tuxonice-sources). so first thing i did was compile 2.6.36-tuxonice with thinkpad-acpi and all the suspend-to-ram, suspend-to-disk and tuxonice configs. (grab my .conf file here for your reference) once you … Read More

tmux goodness

i have made the switchover to tmux (in gentoo: app-misc/tmux) from screen. from the tmux site: tmux is a terminal multiplexer: it enables a number of terminals (or windows), each running a separate program, to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue running in … Read More