last nexus s screenshot

so as all 2 or 3 of you know, i like updating my screenshots of whatever phone i happen to be using at that time. since i have plans to upgrade to the nexus prime soon, this will be the last screenshot of this phone: its worked well, and as you can see i have … Read More

new repo for my dotfiles and scripts

UPDATED 02-Aug-2012 for the two or three of you that read this and follow, i am starting to put all the dotfiles and scripts that are on this site in github at here for my personal and here for stuff on the site

gentoo temporary ebuild fix for spotify

at time of writing, spotify (in this particular repo) was at version spotify-client-qt_0.6.2.291.gcccc1f5.116-1_amd64.deb & i386.deb so after installing the piczu overlay to install spotify on my machine i noticed that it was not finding the appropriate file in the proper repo uri ( it was searching for $REPO_URI/spotify-client-qt-ver.ga662380-1_i386.deb here is the ebuild (spotify- as provided … Read More

snippet to add aws volumes and instances (rough)

just a snippet of something i was working on to add volumes to instances in aws using the amazon ec2 ami / api tools. very rough draft. TMP_VOL_OUT=”$(basename $0).$$.tmp” TMP_INST_OUT=”$(basename $0).$$.tmp” ## input the number of volumes to create- echo “How many volumes to create ?: \c” read VOLNUM echo “Creating ${VOLNUM} volumes” ## input … Read More

Nexus s and ics

Koush released an alpha of ics for the nexus s. I popped it on along with the glados kernel. Good times.

its that kind of day

click to enlarge Ty captures the sentiment perfectly. visit his site sometime. good dude. darkseidis

haproxy and https using stunnel

EDIT 07-march-2014 as per Kyler’s note (thanks Kyler): The following should help people patch v4.44 like I did. apt-get install gcc build-essential libssl-dev cd /usr/local/src/ wget tar xzf stunnel-4.44.tar.gz cd stunnel-4.44 patch -p1 < ../stunnel-4.44-xforwarded-for.diff ./configure make make install also: oops, don’t forget to download the patch direct from haproxy. Also the link ... Read More

new toy goodness

i got my hp touchpad (16gb version) a couple of days ago and started to play around with it today since we are hunkering down for hurricane irene. here are outputs: cpuinfo LsHPTouchPad / # cat /proc/cpuinfo Processor : ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l) processor : 0 BogoMIPS : 13.52 Features : swp half thumb … Read More

some vim configs

so for my day to day i use a highly config’ed version of vim with all the config’s coming from multiple sources all over the internet. here is my main .vimrc file which you can place in ~ now create these folders under ~ : .vim/ .vim/autoupload/ .vim/backup/ .vim/colors/ .vim/plugin/ .vim/tmp/ .vim/undo/ .vim/view/ here is … Read More

Nexus S madness

Just upgraded baseband, kernel and mod. baseband and hsdpa tweaks from here kernel from here and mod / firmware from here